Leader Group of Laos visit our collegeApril 29, 2016

On 27th April, Mr. Khamtang, Director of Students’ Department from Education Ministry, Ms. Khamphet, Vice Director of International Affairs Department and Mr. Chen Fuqiang, coordinator of Laos Education Ministry, paid a visit to our college. Secretary of party committee Mr. Yin Ximing, Secretary of Architectural Engineering School Mr. Zhang Changfu, Director of International Affairs Office Ms. Zhang Xiaoqian, Lao Students’ counselors, Mr. Xian Jinhong and Ms. Zhao Xing, as well as Laos Student Representative Li Wenkang have attended the conference.

At the beginning of conference, Secretary of Party Committee, Mr. Yin Ximing has warmly welcomed our distinguished guests and given a brief introduction about study and life of Laos’s students. Since year 2013, our college has continuously recruited over 50 Lao students; now 48 of them study and live in our campus. Last September, our Laos students have taken part in the “Mandarin Words and Texts Dictation” competition and won the 1st price groups, 2 price of single reward. Our Lao students’ counselor, Mr. Xian Jinhong received “Great Contribution Reward of Lao Students Education” of Luang Namtha Province’s Education Ministry.

Eight of the first Laos students from our college will graduate at this summer; with assistance of our teachers and counselors, five of them have successfully obtained full scholarship from Southwest University of Science and Technology; the rest three students will go back to make contributions to motherland. Mr. Yin Ximing has also pointed out, under the national strategy background “one belt one road”, China intends to transfer the textile industry to southeast Asian countries. Our college is willing to assist the economic development of Laos and support our country’s “go out” policy for native Chinese industries.

Mr. Khamtang and Ms. Khamphet were very grateful for CDTC’s efforts and contributions to Laos’s education and having so many Laos’s students in our college. They spoke high of CDTC’s campus environment and education quality. They gave delightfully inscriptions to our ancient furniture museum and college history museum, to express their wishes and gratitude to our college.

In the afternoon, Laos leader group have visited our Laos students and given a speech to encourage their hard working.


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Address: No.186. Taishan south street.Xipu. Chengdu. Sichuan. China